Friday, August 13, 2010

The Most Wonderful Pound Cake

I have to share this pound cake. I have personally never cooked. The reason I have never made it is because my husband has PERFECTED the recipe. He has borrowed the recipe from his Uncle Jeff. Uncle Jeff is married to Aunt Brenda. They are very special people to us. They are also fabulous cooks. Hopefully I will be able to share some more stuff from them!

2 sticks of Parkay
1 stick of butter (I know you are wondering why 2 sticks of Parkay and 1 stick of any other butter. I wondered too, but I was told that's just how it has to be. So I said ok because this cake is absolutely fabulous!)
1 8oz package of softened cream cheese
6 eggs
3 cup sugar
3 cup plain flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp almond extract

Cream Parkay, butter, and cream cheese until fluffy. Add sugar gradually. Beat in 2 well beaten eggs. The start adding the flour and remaining eggs. Alternate adding the flour and eggs. Make sure to end with flour. Only add one egg at a time. Grease and flour a tube baking pan. place a pan of water on the rack under the rack you will place the cake on. This keeps the cake from drying out. Bake at 275 for 1 hour and then raise the temp and bake at 300 for another hour. It usually doesn't take that whole last hour in our oven, but I know every oven is different. DO NOT PREHEAT YOUR OVEN.
To top this off we cut up strawberries and put some sugar over the top and put them in the fridge while the cake is cooking. This allows the strawberries to make their own sugarry juice! Then take 1/2 pint of whipping cream and pour it into a bowl with some sugar and vanilla extract. Beat it with a hand mixer until its fluffy. This my friends is homemade whipped cream! Thanks Adriene and Joe! Pile up as much of the strawberries and cream you think you can handle and sit down on the couch. You are going to want to be somewhere comfortable when you eat this because you are not going to want to move!

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